Sunday, September 22, 2019

Life of a Homeless Man Essay Example for Free

Life of a Homeless Man Essay To whom it may concern, Imagine all the events that occurred in your life today. You woke up from your warm bed, took a shower, got dressed, and went to school, work, or both. Then you came home, you had dinner, and went to sleep. These are all basic needs that many people in the United States today dont have. Most people would agree that a day like this is fairly ordinary. Shelter, clothes, food, education, and family are all things that we usually take for granted and things that every person deserves. Now imagine your normal, everyday, routine being taken away from you. All in all you would essentially have my life. I have been facing an intense struggle just to stay alive despite the fact that society turns its head on me. The government has made laws that discriminate against me, which makes it almost illegal for me to co-exist with society. The mistreatment of homeless people is an issue that is often ignored by my community. When you see me on the streets how do you react? Do you turn your head and ignore me? Do you become angry that I am living on the streets? Do you feel frightened and avoid confrontation with me all together? Or do you see me as a human being and treat me in that way? Imagine if you were homeless, living everyday on the streets, having to go through constant judgments and listening to criticizing comments everyday like Get a job, or Ew, stay away. Imagine how hard it would be getting a job, especially in these times. Imagine living in a world with the You need money to get money philosophy; applying for jobs, yet the employer wont hire you because of your lack of clean clothes. So now you need to get new clothes, yet you dont have money. You need money, yet you dont have a job. It is a vicious cycle. Just think of how it would be, being homeless and not even having a mailing address. No family, no friends, being around drugs and violence 24/7. No roof to stand under in case of a storm. You dont even have time to think about getting food, yet that’s all you think about. Imagine living in a world where your best friends, and even your country, had left you behind. It would be tough, and it will change your perspective on me and how I live my life. I try not to accept my situation, but what other choice do I have? I used to ask for spare change and you think that I would have been asking for a kidney. For a country who likes to watch other people’s problems on TV, you think I would live in a country that would be more willing to at least hear what I have to deal with each day, if for entertainment at the very least. When people see me they assume I am more capable of committing violent crimes than a normal person. The only luxury I really have is the newspaper, and you would be shocked on how little we turn up vs. ormal Americans when it comes to violent crimes. Given the chance I would steal to survive another day, yet most believe it is ok to steal bread to feed one’s family. Hypocrites are normally the ones who have no problem passing judgment to me, yet we are not so different. As a homeless man, I don’t get to interact with many exciting things. You’d be surprised what I’d give if I had o ne friend that would visit me for as little as an hour a week. Considering that, since society looks down on me on a 24/7 basis, I don’t get a day off for fun. Congress issues American citizens â€Å"freedom of speech†, however I am still waiting on my chance to be heard. I would like people to know how it feeling of freezing rain feels every winter. The smell of molding cardboard is something I have to deal with on a monthly basis, until I can move to a new home. Some of the things that I’ve seen are not for the faint of heart; along with some of the things I’m left to eat in order to make it another day. You may read this letter and assume it to be the voice of the homeless firing back at society. You may read this letter and find it as a cry for help. Chances are is that you are probably interpreting this letter as a complaint against the community I live in. Why all those could be true consider the intent of this letter as a reminder of how bad it could be. I can guarantee you that the extent of your problems can be solved, so the next time you think about giving up, complaining about your relationship or job, or even get upset when your favorite sports team doesn’t win the big game; it can get worse.

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