Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Writing Sample Essay - Defining an Outline

Writing Sample Essay - Defining an OutlineA good outline is a crucial component of any good essay. One of the most basic guidelines for an outline is to always start your essay with a strong opening statement that serves as the foundation for the rest of the paper. The writer must also include more than one strong opening in their paper.Strong, confident opening statements can make or break a reader's interest in the rest of the essay. Too few, and the reader will probably skip straight to the conclusion or an early return page. On the other hand, too many will run the risk of boring the reader.A solid organization, an overall structure that guides the content of the paper, also provides for more meaningful analysis and more detail in the writing. A student's resume is not complete without a strong organizational structure. While an outline does not provide the structure, a student can begin their outline by breaking down the information into parts, sections, and major ideas.With the breakdown of the information organized, a student can then begin to build a group analysis to examine each section and learn about each group. To illustrate, a medical researcher may begin her paper by examining the idea of scientific research and its important role in the medical community. Then, to better understand this group, she could continue with group analysis by going through specific issues, defining each group, and comparing their contributions to scientific research. The group analysis will give the writer a clearer understanding of the group.A well-structured outline also includes a section for the author's voice. A personality, passions, and interests are elements of a writer's sense of self. A personal essay needs to describe a unique voice. However, most of us need only one voice in our writing to connect with readers.Perhaps the best example of a group writing project is the writer's voice. When a student decides to write an outline, they are in a unique position t o help shape a writer's voice. In essence, an outline helps the writer to ensure that their best writing voice is reflected in their own writing. The student can study the sample outline, note the parts of the paper that have a particular author's voice, and then develop those parts in their own writing.When a student is finished, they should have an outline that incorporates a number of different elements and at least one basic structure. A simple outline usually contains an introduction, thesis statement, goal, and method. Any good outline begins with a strong introduction that describes the overall structure of the paper.After the basics, a student can add their own research and experience to their writing sample. One easy way to increase insight into your subject is to carefully examine how others have dealt with similar situations. A student who has studied the history of historical problem solving can easily add a unique perspective to his or her outline.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Law and Politics free essay sample

Murphy and selected internet and electronic readings Some journal articles will need to be accessed through the UVU Library Journal database. If the below links to internet sources do not work, you should first search Google for alternative links. If you are still unsuccessful, then contact Dr. Griffin. ? This schedule is only â€Å"tentative† and subject to change by verbal or written notification – stay tuned! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jan 8, 10 Introduction Introduction to course review of syllabus The Nature and Prominent Theories of Law (M) 3-12 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books, 2 vols. , pp. 39-62 Introduction, Section II, â€Å"Of The Nature of Laws in General,† pp. 39-47 (scroll down). http://oll. libertyfund. org/? option=com_staticxtstaticfile=show. php%3Ftitle=2140chapter=198645layout=htmlItemid=27 ? ? ? Charles Grove Haines, A Survey of the Development of Natural law Doctrines, 1930 Chapter 1 Ancient and Medieval Natural Law Theories, http://www. constitution. org/haines/haines_001. htm King, Martin Luther Jr. Letter from the Birmingham Jail. In Why We Cant Wait, ed. Martin Luther King, Jr. , 1963. http://www. stanford. edu/group/King/liberation_curriculum/pdfs/letterfrombirmingham_wwcw. pdf Herbert Spiegelberg, Justice Presupposes Natural Law, pp. 343-348 http://www. jstor. org/sici? sici=0014-1704(193904)49%3A3%3C343%3AJPNL%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-6 Jan 15 Origins and Roles of Courts and Judges (M) 13-20, 22-46 Martin Shapiro, â€Å"The Logic of The Triad. † (UVU Canvas) John Underwood Lewis, Sir Edward Coke (1552-1564): His Theory of â€Å"Artificial Reason† as a Context for Modern Basic Legal Theory. (UVU Canvas) James Wilson, The Works of James Wilson, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court , Vol. 2, Chapter IV, â€Å"Of the Nature of Courts,† pp. 287-299. http://books. google. com/books? id=lIs0AAAAMAAJpg=PA1dq=James+Wilson,+The+Works+of+James+Wilson,+volume+2hl =enei=9bx1TIyKA4W6sQOEqL2hDQsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=2ved=0CDAQ6AEwAQ#v=onepageqf=fa lse